The City of Mount Hope adopts the electric rates as herein provided, in order to provide adequate and continuous electrical service distributed fairly and equally to all customers of the City. The electric rates charged by the City shall be as follows:

(a)   Residential and Commercial Customers - Residential and Commercial customers with no demand meters.

(1)   Monthly Customer Charge - $20.00

(2)   Energy Charge on Kilowatt Hours (kWh’s) Consumed - $.1483 per kWh consumed

(b)   Commercial Demand Customers - Customers with three phase service using less than 75 Kilowatts (KW) on average per month are classified as Commercial Demand Customers.

(1)   Monthly Customer Charge - $20.00

(2)   Demand Capacity Charge - $8.00 per KW consumed

(3)   Energy Charge on Kilowatt Hours (kWh’s) Consumed - $.1147 per kWh consumed

(c)   Industrial Demand Customers -Customers with three phase service using more than 75 Kilowatts (KW) on average per month are classified as Industrial Demand Customers.

(1)   Monthly Customer Charge - $20.00

(2)   Demand Capacity Charge - $8.00 per KW consumed

(3)   Energy Charge on Kilowatt Hours (kWh’s) Consumed - $.0997 per kWh consumed

(Ord. 212-2015; Ord. 259-2021; Ord. 262-2021)

Those customers of the city with three phase service shall have demand meters.  The charges will be as follows:

(a)   Demand Rate Schedule

(1)   Customer Charge - $20.00;

(2)   Demand Capacity Charge - $8.00 per demand KW;

(3)   Energy Charge - $0.094 kWh.

(Ord. 136-2006; Ord. 212-2015)

The governing body of the city has deemed it necessary to establish a charge of $25 to electrical customers of the city to pay for installing and removing equipment necessary to furnish temporary electric service.

(Ord. 80-3-18A, Sec. 1)

Distributed Generation will be offered on a first come first served basis to both Residential and Commercial/Industrial customers. In no case shall the City be obligated to purchase an amount greater than 4% of the utility’s peak power requirement for the previous year.

Distributed Generation Customer Rates

(a)   Any Residential customer of the City’s electric utility that installs an energy producing system or renewable generator with a capacity of 25 kilowatts or less.

(b)   Any Commercial/Industrial customer who wishes to install an energy producing system or renewable generator with a capacity of 200 kilowatts or less must first successfully complete and have approved the City of Mount Hope’s “Interconnection Standards for Installation and Distributed Operation of Customer-Owned Renewable Electric Generation Facilities”.

(c)   All Distributed Generation contracts shall comply with the requirements of K.S.A. 66-1,184 et seq., as amended. The cost of any equipment required to be installed for such attachment or metering and installation shall be the sole responsibility of the customer and such equipment shall not cause damage to the City’s electric system or equipment or present an undue hazard to City personnel.

(d)   Net Monthly Rate: Customer charge is determined by customer class described in section 15-301 above. Energy Rate is determined by customer class described in section 15-301 above.

Appropriately sized generators (as defined in K.S.A. 66-1,184) owned by customer generators will at times either generate more electricity than the customer can consume on premises or only meet a portion or none of the customers electricity needs. During periods of time when the generator owned by the customer generator cannot provide all of the customer’s electricity needs, the electricity provided by the electric utility will be billed at the same rate as that established for similar rate class customers that do not own generators. During periods of time when the generator owned by the customer generator produces electricity in excess of its own needs, and such excess electricity is supplied back to the electric utility, the electric utility shall compensate the customer for this excess energy at a rate that is 150% of the utility’s monthly system average cost of energy per kilowatt hour, per K.S.A. 66-1,184.

The electric utility may, at its discretion, either pay the customer for excess energy at aforementioned rate or calculate such payment and deduct from the customer’s bill as a credit.

(Ord. 259-2021; Ord. 262-2021)

A Power Cost Adjustment may be passed on to electric customers in the event the Governing Body determines extraordinary expenses must be recovered to maintain reliable electric utility service to the customers of Mount Hope, Kansas. Such adjustments will be brought before the Governing Body and subject to a majority vote.

(Ord. 259-2021; Ord. 262-2021)

The Governing Body will review the current electric rate structure and annual operating budget of the electric utility each December to det ermine if rates are set appropriately in correlation to annual budget requirements.

(Ord. 259-2021; Ord. 262-2021)

(a)   There is hereby adopted Interconnection Standards for Installation and Parallel Operation  of Customer-Owned Renewable Electric Generation Facilities Dated May 10, 2021.

(b)   The adopted Interconnection Standards for Installation and Parallel Operation of Customer-Owned Renewable Electric Generation Facilities Dated May 10, 2021 may be amended and modified in whole or in part by the Governing Body of the City of Mount Hope, Kansas, as deemed appropriate by the Governing Body.

(Ord. 261-2021)